February 19th: Mascara…

‘When one is young, one should use a lot of mascara. When one is older, one should use much more.’
The Prince and the Showgirl

Today’s post is a recreation of a movie poster that seems to exist only in hottest poster lists! Made in 1987 and starring Charlotte Rampling, I can find almost no trace of the movie anywhere…

A recreation of the mascara poster

But it does have a pretty incredible poster!

Mascara poster
Click the button to see the other photographers doing Feb Photo Fest this year. My photos from this year are here or check out previous years in the Feb Photo Fest category…

February Photofest

Wicked Wednesday... a place to be wickedly sexy or sexily wicked

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The wedding dilemma…

‘I was like a chocolate in a box, looking well behaved and perfect in place, all the while harboring a secret center.’ – Deb Caletti, Honey, Baby, Sweetheart As soon as the week’s Wicked Wednesday prompt of ‘The Wedding’ was announced, I had this conversation with Exposing 40: @Exposing40 Ooh, if I write a filthy […]

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“I’m not short,” Daisy muttered. “Short women are never mysterious, or elegant, or pursued by handsome men. And they’re always treated like children. I refuse to be short.” – Lisa Kleypas, Secrets of a Summer Night I have a blog post that I’m halfway through about an argument that I had on a recent set […]

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Sinful Sunday: Reach…

Much earlier this year, I attended the Guy Bourdin exhibition at Somerset House. I adore most of his photographs, but this is among my favourites:  I really like the view of her legs and her heels as she reaches upwards. I was reminded of this photo when I was thinking about the chair prompt for […]

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