All for one, or one for all…

‘For pleasure has no relish unless we share it. – Virginia Woolf, The Common Reader #Poly thought: I am 1000{f9264c1b08ec794f1cf6cd6d13ef8a87ec0de6a492dab0f81db5d3b37fb3799c} fine being secondary as long as I have my own primary. Not being first with anyone is what used to drive me crazy. — C-K (@CoffeeAndKink) April 5, 2017 I saw this tweet from Coffee […]

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Bigger infinities…

‘And in that moment, I swear we were infinite.’ – Stephen Chbosky, The Perks Of Being A Wallflower My A-level maths teacher was a brilliant man, which was a bonus as I took both maths and further maths so spent a lot of time in his company. He had a way of explaining all of […]

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Musing on monogamy…

We talk about the nature of relationships, of men, how love comes in different forms. Passion, she says, you can feel “for the worst man you ever met. But that has nothing to do with a deeper partnership. In such a one, passion stays, but more important is confidence, respect, knowing a man is not […]

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