
‘There on the landing sits the typewriter. It is clogged with dust, the ribbon dried and flimsy. Looking at it gives Felix a feeling close to vertigo. He realises he can replicate in his head the exact sound it used to make. The clac-clac-a-clac of the metal letters hitting the paper, the ribbon raising itself […]

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Dry martini…

‘I like to have a martini, Two at the very most. After three I’m under the table, after four I’m under my host.’ – Dorothy Parker She loved this cocktail bar. It was expensive but not pretentious, busy but not crowded, and staffed by the right kind of bartender. Drinking cocktails in cheaper bars with […]

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‘The wind envelops you with a certain purpose in mind, and it rocks you. The wind knows everything that’s inside you.’ – Haruki Murakami, Hear the Wind Sing ‘Doesn’t he know?’ she wondered, ‘How can he not know?’ She’d chosen not to tell him, instead letting the warmth of her secret envelop her. She imagined […]

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Best in town…

‘I never do anything by halves, and am half hearted in no cause that I embrace.’ – Cecil B. DeMille If this medicine thing doesn’t work out, my dream backup career is to own an independent cinema. I could show old films that I love and new films that are too good to miss; there […]

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Little drummer boy…

‘There are no two words in the English language more harmful than “good job”.’ – Whiplash She called him her little drummer boy but don’t be fooled. He was no Christmas card child, tapping away on his tin drum. There was nothing small or cute about him. He towered above her, his broad frame filling […]

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Holly and Ivy…

Of all the trees that are in the wood The holly bears the crown – The holly and the ivy Ivy had always worried that she was boring. It seemed to her that everything she did was a bit bland. Her hair wasn’t exactly brown and it wasn’t exactly blonde. It hung in a straight […]

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2000 miles…

2000 miles Is very far through the snow I’ll think of you Wherever you go – The Pretenders, 2000 Miles Recently, Exhibit A excitedly tweeted that he had an idea for Christmas: I'VE JUST HAD THE BEST IDEA FOR AN EROTICA MEME — Exhibit A (@EA_unadorned) December 3, 2015 His plan involves choosing the title of […]

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