Smut Marathon: Group shot…

‘Nothing makes a woman more beautiful than the belief that she is beautiful.’
Sophia Loren

The next round of Smut Marathon is now open for voting and my latest story is hidden among the 30 entries submitted this round!

For as long as I’m still in the competition, I’m going to publish my entry for the previous round on voting day as a thank you for voting (and to remind you that voting is open!!) so here is round 6’s story – a 500 word flash erotic story containing the words ‘wedding dress.’

And if you like this, please do head over to Smut Marathon to vote in the next round. It’s now a knockout competition so it’s more important than ever to vote! Thank you!!


‘Was it everything you wanted?’

Erin and Dean swayed in each other’s arms, dancing to the final songs as the band packed up behind them. The skirts of her elaborate wedding dress swung around them as they moved, rustling against the shiny dance floor.

She looked up and kissed her new husband.

‘It was everything, and more!’

‘Excellent! Although it’s not over yet – I have one more surprise.’

Dean led her away from the reception and into another part of the hotel. He opened a door and gestured her to follow him inside.

It was empty except for a low couch in the middle. Following his direction, Erin lay on it, spreading the folds of her gown around her so she could lie comfortably.

‘God, you look incredible. Like a flower unfurling its petals.’ Dean grinned, his eyes shining with love and something else. Something mischievous and enticing.

‘Do you remember when we talked about fantasies last month?’

As Dean was speaking, Finn, his best man, came into the room followed by a couple more groomsmen, some of Dean’s friends who were at the wedding, some who weren’t, and some others that Erin didn’t recognise. In total, around 30 men now stood in a circle around her.

‘Do you remember what you wanted? What you told me you’d always dreamed about?’

Erin looked from man to man and felt a rolling rush of arousal flood through her, flowing out and down her thighs as she realised what Dean had in mind.


‘And do you still want it?’

She pressed herself back into the couch, spreading out her dress to make a bigger target.

‘Oh yes!’

One by one, and then all in a rush, the men unzipped their trousers and pulled out their cocks. Lube was passed around and soon these 30 or so men were all jerking off for her.

When the first wetness hit her, Erin gasped. It landed on her collarbone, shot from a man standing above her head and out of sight. She could hear his breathing, hear the slick sliding on his lubed hand on his cock but she couldn’t see any part of him until his cum was hitting her body.

It wasn’t long before the next man came – George the usher who had been looking at her strangely expectantly all day. He was by her side and was pumping so vigorously that he spread jizz right across her stomach, creating delicate glittering trails on the satin bodice. Erin reached up, touching the cooling fluid and rubbing it into the fabric.

Soon spunk began to rain over her, streaking her face and hair, decorating her dress and body. She was drowning in it; drowning in the sounds, the smells. Drowning in their adoration, their desire. Each new splash made her feel more beautiful, each new adornment made her feel more powerful.

She was a goddess, dressed in lace and satin and spunk, revealed on the happiest day of her life.


If you’re interested in Smut Marathon, click the badge below or check out #SmutMarathon.

My stories from last year are collected here.

One thought on “Smut Marathon: Group shot…

  1. Oh my that is hot! I’d love to be one cock in the crowd! Bukkake is fascinating, ejaculating on a woman being so powerful, yet being anonymous as one of many, plus the real power lying within the woman who orchestrates so many individuals. And with the symbol of purity with the wedding dress, so hot!

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