‘One of the basic rules of the universe is that nothing is perfect. Perfection simply doesn’t exist…..Without imperfection, neither you nor I would exist’
– Stephen Hawking
Click to see the rest of my Feb Photo Fest photos from this year, 2018 and 2017, and click the kiss below to follow the other photographers taking part…
And it’s Sinful Sunday so click the kiss to see the other delicious photos shared this week…
Signs of what an amazing thing your body has done. Beautiful x
Missy x
It’s weird. On someone else’s body, I love to see those marks, want to touch them, connect with them as they’re a sign of something amazing. Yet on my own, I hate them.
You are right though, perfection as a concept is flawed, and in terms of body image, downright destructive
After many years my stretch marks are pale and silvery, I’d forgotten how dark they once were. And I found them quite a challenge when they were new. But I now have a wonderful 40 something year old daughter and grandchildren.
Your marks like mine are reminder of the great cycles of life in which you and your family are enmeshed. If perfection is to be had at all it is in taking part in this cycle…
Thanks for sharing, Livvy.
Indie xx
Your imperfections are perfect. Beautiful image!
Rebel xox
So beautiful…. I have learned to love mine is a weird kind of way but I don’t like the overhang of my belly
That doesn’t look like an imperfection to me – it looks like an awesome, badass, testimony to the amazing work your body has done. I think the marks are beautiful.
Like battle scars, wear them with pride…your body is capable of wondrous things, and your stretch marks are there to remind you of that, always !!
The marks remind me of a phoenix…fab image.
I love scars and marks. They tell a story of who you are as a person.
A symbol of your what your body has achieved ~<3 Wear them with pride, Livvy. You are a goddess – def not an imperfection x
The origin of symmetry.