‘Breasts are a scandal because they shatter the border between motherhood and sexuality.’
– Iris Marion Young
Today’s image isn’t so much about being sexy or erotic, except as a fetish, but it is celebrating my body.
Before our baby was born, I’m afraid to say breastfeeding squicked me out a bit. The idea that I could leak felt really gross and I didn’t like the thought of my baby sucking on me and feeling the milk flowing inside… And now that she’s here and I’ve been keeping her alive with just my breasts for nearly 2 months, well, it’s no less weird but I am in awe!
I’ve always thought that my breasts were brilliant – they’ve been one of my favourite body parts for some time – but how they look is nothing compared to what they can now do! They really are magnificent!!
Click to see the rest of my Feb Photo Fest photos from this year, 2018 and 2017, and click the kiss below to follow the other photographers taking part…
Stunning, special image, Livvy!
Rebel xox