Sinful Sunday: 33/40…

‘Thought is only a flash in the middle of a long night. But this flash means everything.’
Henri Poincaré, The Value of Science: Essential Writings of Henri Poincare

Next in my journey through maternity clothing came bras!

Sadly, this hasn’t been as exciting as shopping for other maternity clothes. While they have still felt stylish and allowed me to feel good in what I was wearing, nursing and maternity bras…didn’t.

(By the way, do click the tweet to see the great advice I was given by my fabulous twitter friends!!)

The change from form to function that will come with motherhood is one that I’m struggling with. I know that having a baby is going to change, well, everything but I’d hoped that I’d still feel like myself in this new form. And I like wearing pretty underwear!

So I haven’t bought the oatmeal or beige bras. I haven’t even gone for black or white. (Yet?) And the opening flap of the nursing bra certainly allows for an easy accessibility that could be a lot of fun until it’s true function is needed…! It’s an exhibitionist’s dream!!

An almost profile view of my pregnant belly with jeans pushed to under the bump. I’m wearing a black nursing bra covered with purple flowers and have opened one side to reveal my breast

Click the kiss to see the other photos shared this week…

Sinful Sunday

8 thoughts on “Sinful Sunday: 33/40…

  1. That’s a lovely bra. I wonder why most of the maternity bras are so dull. It’s hard enough to feel sexy as you near the end of pregnancy (from my memory), without having to wear something your granny wouldn’t entertain!

  2. My one piece of advice is do not buy many feeding bras before you have the baby. I made that mistake and wasted a LOT of money as not a single one fitted properly. As for nice looking bras, they definitely didn’t exist back then although I will say John Lewis had some at the time that although only in black and white where actually quite nice looking.


  3. Agreed, the 1st is rather depressingly functional, but 2nd is pretty AND yeah, you’ve found some fun in it! Looking blooming may I say.

  4. You look amazing, I remember living in the white and ‘nude’ monstrosities that became greyer and bobblier after each frequent wash, not in the slightest bit sexy! I wish I’d been able to find such loveliness as this.

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