‘Very soon the heavens presented an extraordinary appearance, for all the stars directly behind me were now deep red, while those directly ahead were violet.’
– Olaf Stapledon, Star Maker
For the red prompt in December, I spent way too long posing in front of fleeting brake lights shining through my window. This one has had the red filter cranked up as the car just didn’t wait around long enough, but I’m still pretty pleased with the funding result!
Click here to see the rest of my Feb Photo Fest collection, or here for 2017’s, and don’t forget to click the badge to see the other stunning collections this year…
You can indeed be very pleased with this image. Love the spark of light between your legs 😉
Rebel xox
I love the curvature of your body in this x
Really love this – your arse looks fab with your hands resting on each cheek 😉
This is wonderful!
Jesus Livvy, this is RED HOT ????
I’m more of a boob and black & white man myself, but damn me this is wonderful.