‘May what I do flow from me like a river, no forcing and no holding back’
– Rainer Maria Rilke
In Greek mythology, the Naiads were female spirits, or nymphs, that watched over the fresh water in fountains, wells, springs, streams and brooks.
And that sounded like a lot of fun!
Don’t forget to click the link to see the other delicious photos shared this week…
Oh, Livvy, this is absolutely beautiful! You are a Naiad. Kudos to the photographer, I’ll bet I can guess who.
What a simply beautiful image, I enjoy seeing the whole scene xxx
Stunning! A real work of art.
This is simply perfect. I could almost have this hanging on one of walls.
So beautiful
Wow – beautiful!
xx Dee
Reblogged this on cwa115's Blog.
All of this!
Absolutely gorgeous image
I especially love your beautiful hair
Beautiful image!
I was a Sea Cadet whilst at high school. We often visited ships of the Royal Navy, and even went to sea on them. I spent a whole week on board the Leander class frigate HMS Naiad once. ooh err! 😉
Great picture. Love the sense of freedom
Oh Livvy this is absolutely breathtaking. Whereabouts is this?
Also, my offer to take your picture some day still stands if you ever fancy a trip to Herts on your day off let me know
It was in Scotland, near Perth. Such a beautiful (and largely empty!) part of the world! And I would really love to take you up on that offer – I’ll definitely check out my diary and be in touch ? Xxx
Following KWs comment, you should definitely have this hanging on the wall! It’s beautiful!
I guess this is the most amazing shot you have ever posted – indoor or outdoor.
Such a beautiful image. Definitely frame worthy!
Oh, Livvy. This is stunning. You are stunning. It’s as if the landscape has formed just to provide the perfect setting for you.
I agree with the others that you should frame this.
SO PICTURESQUE — WOW!!! You inspired me and now I want an oversized print like this, with Krystal splayed out on some water-kissed rocks..!!
Gorgeous photo. Definitely in the spirit of a water nymph.
I have always had a thing for nymphs. Beautiful setting and picture.
This is absolutely stunning!
You sitting there, the background. Perfect in every way!!!!!
Oh my goodness this is mesmerising! Incredibly talented photographer and model! Just wow!
Aurora x
Picture perfect . . . and simply gorgeous.
Your pose and beauty fill this photo with warmth and intensity.
Just an amazing picture in every sense!!!
Xxx – K
You know I love this as I already said so on twitter. Just back for a second look though.
Still love this.
this is GORGEOUS – especially love the line of your legs and the flex of muscles in your arms, so great x
Absolutely stunning image!
Rebel xox
Such an amazing image!
Wow Wow Wow Livvy – this is spectacular. It is like that rock was put there just for you . Stunning!
Oh my goodness, Livvy. This is possibly one of my favorite ever photos of you (which is saying a lot because you have so many brilliant photos). This should be blown up and hung in a gallery. Just perfect.
What a gorgeous location! Amazing image but then I do have a thing for outdoor images too!