‘They talked on into the early morning, the high, pale cast of light in the windows, and they did not think of leaving.’
– Raymond Carver, Cathedraluote

Click the kiss to see the other delicious weekend delights shared today…

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Rebel xox
This is just so beautiful.
awwww so cozy and romantic!
Sweet photo.
That is such a wonderful and loving image. xx
You guys are so adorable together.
Stunning !!!
Makes me tingle . . . and makes me smile !!!
Love this . . . and somehow it feels warmer and more lovely now, post Eroticon!!!
Xxx – K
Oh wow <3 I love this – Such a beautiful, romantic shot. I love silhouettes – so much is hidden that it makes the eye spot things you wouldn't usually see. Print and frame this x
This is so beautiful. I love the soft light and the way the window creates a frame around you and casts you into shadow but that we can just see enough to know you are wrapped up in each other
very romantic <3
Simply lovely x
I agree totally, clothes shouldn’t exist at the weekend. Lovely image, beautiful framing.