‘Surround yourself with people who believe in your dreams, encourage your ideas, support your ambitions, and bring out the best in you.’
– Roy Bennett
It’s been a brilliant weekend as our flat was invaded for a huge housewarming and engagement party and we were surrounded by friends and family. Unfortunately, this didn’t leave much opportunity for taking naked photos! Also, as the end of Feb Photo Fest approaches, I’m also running short of ideas…
…when I scroll through my timeline and find this delicious photo!
Absolutely perfect last minute inspiration. God, I love this community!
Click here for more of my Feb Photo Fest images, and click the button below for links to other gorgeous collections within this challenge…
AND it’s Sinful Sunday so click the kiss to see the other photos shared today…
Damn Livvy. That is hot. Hotter than the original.
Oh wow, Livvy. That is amazing, such an erotic capture. I find your photo far more arousing than the muse.
Beautiful image . . . the mono effect makes it look timeless!
Lovely !!!
Xxx – K
Absolutely gorgeous image to round up what sounds a wonderful week, adore it
Isn’t it great when Twitter delivers inspiration like that and I agree with Elliot, I find the top image feels a bit remote, there is something much more intimate about your version that draws me into it
Beautiful! Xxx
Brilliant image!
Livvy! This is gorgeous!!
A lovely image. Congratulations!
Well done, and so hot.
You’re image is far better than the original, yours feels warmer and more intimate.
Usually I’m really not a fan of pop-socks, but I think I many have ot reconsider on the strngth of ths pic.
I love your image!
Rebel xox