‘Good friends, good books, and a sleepy conscience: this is the ideal life.’
– Mark Twain
Eroticon, the wonderful and exciting sex blogging conference extraordinaire, is getting closer. I am very excited! As has become traditional, Molly is hosting an on-line meet and greet for all the bloggers to introduce themselves before the big event. Please do click here to meet everyone else!
So here we go…
NAME (and Twitter name if you have one)
I’m Livvy from @theotherlivvy
If you had the opportunity to rename yourself (or your blog) what would you pick?
I’m pretty happy with my name so I don’t think I would change it. ‘The Other’ part still applies quite well to the difference between my blogging life and my ‘real’ life, and I like the differentiation.
The only potential reason for changing my name would be for reasons of anonymity in that it’s not really a pseudonym. Livvy is my name, it’s how everyone outside of my work environment knows me! Although it is easier to remember who I am, I do wonder sometimes if I should follow the example of other anonymous bloggers and actually be anonymous, but never mind…
What are you most looking forward to at Eroticon Live and/or is there anything you are nervous about?
The part that I am most looking forward to and the part that is making me most nervous are one and the same – meeting other bloggers. Although I have been fortunate enough to meet some before, and they have all been wonderful, there are still so many people that I haven’t met – some I’m ridiculously excited to meet and some make me incredibly nervous. Either way, I am really looking forward to putting faces and voices to these Twitter avis.
Have you planned which sessions you will be attending or are you more of a spur of the moment kind of person?
Every time I read the schedule, I change my mind! Although I have a fairly good idea about what I will attend, I am fully expecting this to shift on the day. There is just so much choice! I heard great things about Girl on the Net’s talk last year so will most likely go to that one, and Tabitha Rayne and F. Leonora and Hyacinth Jones’s talks look great so maybe those too, but I am expecting spur of the moment decisions.
What essential items to your life will be bringing with you to Eroticon Live? (you can have a maximum of 5)
Easily the most important is my phone – I use it for everything and fear I would literally be lost without it! Other than that, I think that having my wallet, my heels and my dresses should be enough to cover for all other eventualities.
A new cocktail has been made on your honour, what would be the key ingredient and what would it be called?
Hmmm…this is tough. It has to be gin, but with what? Just sharp, refreshing tonic? Or as the perfect martini? Maybe with elderflower as a gin fizz…or all of the above?
Whichever I chose at the time, the name must be a paraphrase of the late, great Amy Winehouse and be Fuck Me Heels!
‘When you walk in the bar,
And you dressed like a star,
Rockin’ your fuck me pumps.’
And finally… Complete the sentence; I have yet to…..
…meet a sex blogger whose company I didn’t enjoy, and long may that continue!
Go have fun… and Rock those Fuck Me Pumps! Looking forward to a report.
Very much looking forward to meeting you next week 🙂 🙂 🙂
Rebel xox
I absolutely LOVE the name of your cocktail and lets hope your last line continues to be true after this event. I am fairly confident it will
cannot wait to meet you Livvy!!! xxxx
Yayyyyy Livvy! This is going to be amazing! Can’t wait to meet you x x