‘A kind of light spread out from her. And everything changed color. And the world opened out. And a day was good to awaken to. And there were no limits to anything.’
– John Steinbeck, East of Eden
There was a glow in the darkness. A warm and tempting light. It drew her towards it. It promised what she needed, what she desperately desired…
This beautiful, glow-in-the-dark Adam dildo was a gift from Godemiche. It’s stunning, and I’ll be writing a proper review soon. Just need to experiment a bit more…
Don’t forget to click the lips below to see all the other Sinful photos this week…
🙂 I have to agree that IS a stunning Dildo!!! Not exactly me tho…… gotten me thinking of a fluorescent vulva now? Look good on the tree!
Oooooh I can see why she is drawn to it … so beautiful 🙂
Rebel xox
I am sure Spielberg would be horrified but the first thing I thought of was E.T.!!! Cool present. Look forward to the review. Xxx
Ohhh I have two Adam dildos, they are so good. I love all the colours and designs they do. This is great shot, it has a real ‘other worldly’ feel to it.
I maybe a little Star Wars obsessed this week but I couldn’t help think that’s an awesome light sabre!
i like the glimpse of your library!