‘I do not love you as if you were salt-rose, or topaz,
or the arrow of carnations the fire shoots off.
I love you as certain dark things are to be loved,
in secret, between the shadow and the soul.’
– From Sonnet XVII, Pablo Neruda

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this picture is perfect with that neruda passage!!!
this would be the perfect silhouette photo
Wow, wow, wow. This is a lighting masterclass, Livvy. Looking at this image really has left me completely breathless; the way the light is picking up the textures on your skin, the beam-like quality of it … *salutes* Jane xxx
beautiful photograph – wow!
Absolutely gorgeous! These are the kind of photos I really love – the play between light and shadow. Beautifully done!
Rebel xox
Lovely tits 🙂
Another beautiful image. Great lighting and lovely warm colours. Xx
Beautiful curves!
Gosh the nipples draw in my gaze so that it’s hard to tear my look away. Well done, great perspective as well
Beautiful shot, the lighting is amazing!
I swear you should make a poster/coffee table book from your images. They are breathtaking.
The lighting in this image is fantastic. Really gorgeous image and you look amazing.
Wow! This has just stopped me in my tracks, stunningly simple but the lighting takes it to a whole different level!
Oh this is breath takingly beautiful. The words, the image, just wow
I agree with Molly. Stunning xx
Oh my god, Livvy! I’m so blown away and impressed. Every week you come up with something clever or stunning or smokingly hot (often all of the above) but this one. Wow. The simplicity, the light, the composition! It’s just brilliant. Really, really, really stunning.
What can I say?
Livvy you are absolutely beautiful!
I love that verse… So perfectly paired with your photo. The lighting and angle is perfect!
Neruda is one of my favourite poets and I adore this sonnet. But right now I’m loving the light and shadow play in your beautiful shot even more.
~M x
Lovely shadow play (and passage to go with it)!
~Kazi xxx