Sinful Sunday: I don’t want to sleep…

‘For years now, I’ve wanted to fall asleep. The sort of slipping off, the giving up, the falling part of sleep. Now sleeping is the last thing I want to do.’

– Chuck Palahniuk, Fight Club

I don’t get enough sleep. I wake up too early and go to bed too late. I want to fill each hour with more than just sleep.

And I don’t ever regret it… 

To see the other sinful photos this week, press the lips below…

Sinful Sunday

0 thoughts on “Sinful Sunday: I don’t want to sleep…

  1. Oh, I loved this, and not just because it sounds like we have similar sleeping habits! I love the energy in your pose – it’s subtle and dynamic, even though you’re lying down. Plus, the peeking kind of killed me 🙂

  2. I love my sleep, but I love being busy too. Unfortunately I cannot function if I don’t sleep in at times, so I tend to indulge in that over the weekends, otherwise I would never get any writing done.

    Rebel xox

  3. I try very hard to make sure I get enough sleep as I find lack of sleep effects my ability to get things done and enjoy life when I am awake but sometimes sleep is overrated and delights of life when one is awake is something make it worth missing


  4. A cheeky peek along with beautiful cheeks :). What a lovely picture! Innocent and filthy all at the same time.

  5. This is a sensual pose. I love the contrast of the stretched out luxuriously but the half hidden face – the face even is sheltered and yet a mischievous peeking out, an direct look with the viewer.

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